[email protected]
+32 (0)486 17 24 92

Professional background and education
- In 2023 I received my Master of Arts in Process Oriented Facilitation and Conflict Studies from the Processwork Institute in Portland, Oregon (US). I am a member of the International Association of Process-Oriented Psychology.
- I have completed a four year Gestalt training at Multidimens (Netherlands) in 2016 and am certified as a Gestalt psychotherapist with the Nederlands Vlaamse Associatie voor Gestalttherapie en Gestalttheorie and European Association for Gestalt Therapy.
- I got my Master in Clinical Psychology (Leuven, Belgium), in 2008 and am registered with the Psychologencommissie.
- An overview of the professional associations I’m a member of:
- IAPOP – International Association of Process Oriented Psychology
- NVAGT – Nederlands Vlaamse Associatie voor Gestalttherapie en Gestalttheorie
- EAGT – European Association for Gestalt Therapy
- Link to my profile on the website of the Psychologencommissie:
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